
WORST - Cultural Beauty

Beauty is subjective. People interprets it differently according to their frame of preference. Even I have my own definition of beauty ;) - be who you are because inner beauty is incomparable with physical appearance.  That is not the matter here, because for some people physical appearance is still the most important because it gives the first impression when someone look at them. Thus, they do whatever they can to look beautiful in the cultural view. 

Cultural beauty - it's for beauty purposes but the matter is the value of the cultural beauty in a society. (unknown)

Remember the scarification, its one of the way to look beautiful for African woman. Read here scarification Other than that, there are thousands of other ways being used by people from different culture to look beautiful. Here one of them :D

 Neck Ring 

neck ring are metal coil that is worn around the neck of a woman. Kayan woman practice this. They begin to wear since as early as at the age of 2. The length is increased gradually according to the women's preference. The idea of this is; elongated neck is beautiful! and also THE LONGER THE BETTER ( MORE BEAUTIFUL) O.o.

Long neck might look weird to you but 

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