
What is C-U-L-T-U-R-E, to you?

 As for 2012, total amount of countries all over the world is estimately 243. (this is what I get from wiki,at least....) *wink* It may sounds like a small figure but relatively try to break it down to each and every ethnicity, customs, religion, races, traditions and  societies...

      Have you ever know that back in the Ancient Greece, it was common for the men of to exercise in public .. naked? Oh Yes, from an ancient belief that no longer practise in this modern world like to the unbelieveable custom of women in the African tribe to make themselves more attractive by permanently scaring their faces.  *try to imagine*

    If you are not a fan of Discovery Channel,you might find that all of these are irony to our norm belief but that how was our  traditions works before, nonetheless one can never be sure on what will happen in today's or tomorrow's world as we the robotic human in this era tend to give a lame excuse  by saying that the old acceptance is not relevant at all. *more pictures to come*

    You might failed to count them all as in this whole wide world, there are millions of them nevertheless counting more and more... thus, despite of all of the shocking,weird facts and stories, how does one would define CULTURE?

Is it by the ARTS in drawings?

The dance,maybe?

Oh yeah, the best part... perhaps THE FOOD?

not to forget, SPORTS~

and yes.. SYMBOLS or CODES can be known as LANGUAGE
plus, MUSIC and MUSICAL instrument..

last but not least, OUR OWN LOCAL FILM~  is it counted as a culture?

there are numerous of significance practices and elements in engage definition of culture...
hey, look what I found here..

we may have our own perception on what C-U-L-T-U-R-E is..but one cannot deny that YOU and ME might have the same CULTURE~ weeheee :D

Spread Love and Peace! Thanks for Reading ^^

P/S: please have a lots of thought,ya!

                                                                                                                         May Allah swt bless.

 All pictures above are not mine.Credits to the owner.Thank You.

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Hello World ! :)

Hello peeps ! These are Sam, Mash and Tira here ! :)

You might be wondering as to why this blog is made since there are many other blogs or websites that explains about the strangest and most unique cultures in the world.

Frankly speaking, we created this blog because it is part of our class assignment for our Computer course subject. We are trying to make this blog as interesting as possible. So do not worry, we'll bring you and even expose you to the worst and the best shocking cultures at the other side of the world. We shall put our best effort for this blog.. teeheeeeee do enjoy our blog yeaaahh ! :)

But definitely before that, you gotta know us first ! ;) We are three little awesome classy young ladies with the same interest and passion towards CULTURE !

This rockstar here is Sam ! She loves playing guitar. She's such a sport ;) She's the one that you would definitely want to do silly things with ;) ohh and she loves SIMPLE PLAN very much :D

Now.. this second 'lovely' baby is Tira ! She's very talkative and quite fierce ;) But don't worry, she doesn't bite people. Hihi.. ohh and she's an avid fan of korean band, BIG BANG :D

Last but not least, the messy Mash. hihi She's not that messy but ermm yeah you can say so.. xP She's very lovable and sweet. hikhikhik and umm umm.. She's an all time, forever fan of DBSK, especially Junsu ! <3

It's nice meeting everyone, we hope you'll have a nice time reading our blog in the future :D
Now that you have known us.. we shall let you have a guess on who's posting this right now.. ;)

With Love.

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